Our fail safe guide to stacking bracelets


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There’s a reason that bracelet stacking has stood the test of time when it comes to fashion trends.

It’s the perfect way to express yourself or match an outfit or perhaps you want to make a statement.

The rule of thumb is: there are no rules.

But here are some of our favourite combos ….

Photos: Jillian Lenser

Embrace your inner earth child with a mix of our natural semi-precious stones. Our South African Tiger’s Eye bracelets stack beautiful like our Tiger’s Eye & Ethiopian Brass with the Obsidian & Tiger’s Eye bracelets.

Photos: Deni Raicevic

Our Big 5 stack is one of our best curated stacks and represents the Big 5, considered African safari royalty, making it the quintessential African stack featuring gorgeous azurite, jaspers, lava stones and tiger’s eye beads.

Photos: Deni Raicevic


Or drift away to a tropical beach by taking your stacking even further and add Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst or Blue Spotted Jasper (also available as our Blues Stack).

Photos: Shannon Wild

Maybe edgy is more your style … don’t worry, we’re also got you covered with our Indonesian Lava and Brass bracelet combined with Tiger’s Eye and Lava or perhaps add a flash of white with our Indonesian Lava and White Turquoise.

Photos: Julieanne Browning

However you choose to stack, wear them with confidence and have fun with it!

Stay Wild and be sure to posts your stacks and tag them with #WearYourKarma so we can see!

Written by Chloe Cooper

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