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“We’re celebrating Moms!”
Big sisters, grandmothers, aunts, cousins, fur-moms and even dads who wear mom hats – here’s to you and all you do! Mother’s Day is an occasion to say thank you to the nurturing leaders in our lives, and to pay tribute to the women who support us for eternity.
“We’re offering 20% off so you can choose a gift you can both be proud of from a sustainable brand with integrity at its core.”
Apply at checkout. Offer ends Wednesday 15th April, 2020 so hurry, this is to ensure delivery in time.
While we can’t possibly replicate what our Moms and mother figures have done for us, we can help with some gift suggestions that come hand-made with care. With this special day of the year coming up just next month, it’s a good time to start browsing our collection and choosing the perfect bracelet or stack for your much-loved mama.
We know Covid-19 has wreaked havoc around the world, and in an unexpected turn of events, it has brought us closer together. On one hand, it is giving us perspective, it is making us thankful, and it is reminding us of where our priorities should be. While this testing time is challenging us to stay positive and productive, it is certainly helping us to communicate and connect with our loved ones.
For those of us who live far away or are self-isolating, that loving message might be over Face Time, or via a good old-fashioned phone call, but having a little something special delivered to her door is something you can do from anywhere.
Our line of jewellery originated in a place of self-isolation when our founder, Shannon Wild, was recovering from serious injuries that took her out of the field for many months. Her passion for capturing wildlife on camera was rerouted to a different creative outlet, and her beadwork became that connection to nature conservation.
Wild in Africa bracelets are products made with love and they carry a powerful message of compassion. We kind of think this is what makes them just right for Mother’s Day!
“Now more than ever, thoughtful gestures and acts of kindness go a long way.”
Take a look at our beaded bracelets designed to resonate with women with feminine, earthy, bold, or delicate preferences. Whether you’re shopping for a Mom with understated or eccentric taste, we’re sure there is a stack for you.

Written by Chloe Cooper
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