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Daniel Hartz loves alpacas, but thatβs not our favourite thing about him.
He has created a media platform showcasing an inspiring community of individuals who are reducing carbon footprints and toxic pollutants on our natural environment, one invention at a time.
Aptly called Sustainability Champions, this podcast and social media channel spreads good news stories about different ways people are championing the earth by reducing, reusing, and recycling, creating clean water, using clean energy, and having an amazing impact on our planet.
The simple act of finding these unique inventions and sharing their stories online inspires so many people to keep choosing sustainable options in their everyday lives.
When more people start making small changes, we are all better off.
Do yourself a favour and follow him on @sustainabilitychampionsΒ and get to know him a little more in this interviewβ¦Β Β
Tell us abourΒ yourself
My name is Daniel Hartz and Iβm the founder of Sustainability Champions.
SustainabilityΒ Champions is a podcast and Instagram channel that highlights people who are working hardΒ to solve the biggest environmental challenges we face today.
Iβm originally from California and now live in London.
Can you tell us a little bit about your professional background?
I worked in finance, PR and tech before starting Sustainability Champions. I have noticedΒ that there is always the opportunity to adopt greener practices in any industry and it is oftenΒ good for business too.
What or who in your life influenced you to pursue this route?
Since I was a kid, I have been saving the seeds from the fruits and vegetables I eat so that IΒ could plant them later. I always assumed this was normal. I am inspired by people who makeΒ a positive contribution to the environment and I have always wanted to hear their stories.
When my family encouraged me to interview sustainability leaders to learn about ways toΒ take action, I started Sustainability Champions as a New Yearβs resolution and it was one ofΒ the best decisions I have ever made.
Currently, what is the inspiration that keeps you motivated andΒ passionate about your work?
It is very motivating to receive messages from people who say that they feel happy orΒ inspired after looking at the Sustainability Champions Instagram channel. That was preciselyΒ the reason I started it: as a positive alternative to the doom and gloom we see every day inΒ the news.
There are people, companies and communities all over the world finding ways toΒ both heal and protect the planet and I wanted to highlight their work in one place.
What is the most impactful aspect of your work?
The message that anyone with an idea, big or small, can make a positive impact on theΒ environment and every contribution counts.
Where is your favorite place youβve traveled and why?
I love Costa Rica. It is such a beautiful country and they prioritise the environment.
Did youΒ know that Costa Rica is one of the only countries in the world to both stop and then reverseΒ deforestation? Costa Rica has also run almost entirely on renewable energy for the last fiveΒ years.
Tell us about your strangest experience while traveling?
It is not so much strange as it was amazing. Seeing a well-protected beach in Costa Rica fullΒ of thousands of sea turtle nests, each one filled with eggs.
It was incredible to witness theΒ circle of life and itβs so cool to know that Costa Rica balances attracting tourists withΒ protecting the environment.
Why do you feel that wildlife conservation is important?
Wildlife numbers have dropped at alarming rates over the last few decades. When animalΒ populations disappear, it creates artificial imbalances to local ecosystems around the globe.
Studies are showing that we are encroaching on the land that belongs to wildlife and this isΒ one of the major contributors to the current Coronavirus pandemic.
I also believe that it is our duty to protect wild animals because they cannot speak forΒ themselves.
What is your favorite Wild in Africa bracelet style and why?
The Lava and Tigerβs Eye bracelet. Tigerβs Eye is a beautiful stone and I like the way itΒ changes color when it moves. It is amazing to know that lava came from the depths of theΒ earth - where it was so hot that it was once liquid - and now I can wear it.
Are there any animals you feel especially passionate about?
This is slightly embarrassing talking to someone who works in wildlife conservation, but it isΒ the truth: I am passionate about alpacas.
They are sweet and hilarious.
Can you share your future plans and hopes for yourself?
I would like to continue building the Sustainability Champions media channel, sharingΒ positive messages and inspirational stories of people who are doing what they can to protectΒ and regenerate the environment and raise awareness for their causes, just like Wild inΒ Africa.
I will be following your work!
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