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It is well known that pangolins are the world’s most illegally trafficked animal – poached for both traditional African and Chinese medicines.
What we know less is that this endangered species also faces another major threat caused by humans: electrical fences.
Electric fences are as much of a threat to pangolins as poachers are and we are losing nearly the same numbers to electric fences each year as we do to poachers.
Pangolin Preservation cares for and rehabilitates pangolins rescued from the illegal poaching trade and injured by electrical fences to release them back into the wild.
Recently a heavily pregnant female pangolin was found caught on an electric fence. She was rushed for a vet’s check up and released as soon as possible to minimise her stress at such a critical time. Pangolin Preservation have been assisting with the post-release monitoring using camera traps to minimise the interference.
They also were able to assist with the provision of a telemetry tag to aid with monitoring another rescued female to ensure she continued to stay safe and thrive.
In order to minimise disturbance we removed the tag once we were confident that she was stable and doing well!
A ground-breaking project
Pangolin Africa is currently working on a ground-breaking project with @tikkihywoodfoundation, @kalahariwildlifeproject and @stafixeasterncape (Stafix Electric Fences) (and a whole host of amazing fundraisers including Save Pangolins, Stafix Electric Fence and Security Centre, JVA Technologies (Australia), and Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation) in an effort to lead to drastically reduced numbers of accidental pangolin deaths on electric fences.
To learn more about the project: https://www.pangolin.africa/ground-breaking-pangolin-friendly-fencing-project-could-prove-a-lifeline-for-pangolins-in-southern-africa
Wild In Africa Pangolin Preservation Bracelet
You can get involved by purchasing our gorgeous Pangolin Preservation Bracelet: 50% of the purchase price is directly donated to Pangolin Preservation and help them in their fight to preserve the species.
Thanks to your donations we had a tag on standby but now our reserve tag supply has run dry. Any donations that you are able to make will help us to ensure that the next pangolin we help with can be monitored until the experts are comfortable that they are fully self-sufficient and out of danger!
New products and discounts first!
The Farm House, R527
Hoedspruit LP South Africa
Whatsapp: +27 79 225 4988
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65/2 Arbor Ave, Robina
QLD 4226 Australia